-poor cs services with no response, neither through FB inbox nor WhatsApp. ( **those channel should be handled by handquarter)
-encourage you to buy packages and suddenly shut down in other branches
– ask you to contact them for ssistance but actually with no response over a week !
This gym closed suddenly as they said the closing shop was their co partner shop, they will not refunding the money back to the original member and do not response to any message about membership and refund. Really bad management.
Not recommend. Worst studio. They cheated the customers with fitlab. Not worth joining. The teachers were good but the studio owed the staff months of wages
Nice studio with variety of classes and good coaches, but place is small so near impossible to book a class. Can’t use up my classes before they expire.
小魚雪茄Fish Cigar Club
25/04/2023 at 17:08到我啦,到我啦!🥊🥊🥊
Christy Lee
15/02/2023 at 22:48Doesn’t provide service
Helpful ReviewClosed down other branches unexpectedly
bel c
27/12/2022 at 21:41-poor cs services with no response, neither through FB inbox nor WhatsApp. ( **those channel should be handled by handquarter)
Helpful Review-encourage you to buy packages and suddenly shut down in other branches
– ask you to contact them for ssistance but actually with no response over a week !
Joanne Leung
24/12/2022 at 21:26This gym closed suddenly as they said the closing shop was their co partner shop, they will not refunding the money back to the original member and do not response to any message about membership and refund. Really bad management.
Helpful ReviewGlor K
24/12/2022 at 15:24突然停業,話停就停,連員工都唔知咩事,甚至無收到通知
Helpful ReviewCS好差,問嘢無回覆,只扔個聲明PDF出黎
Dennis Hui
22/12/2022 at 20:11黑店 呃錢 簽完約冇耐執笠
Helpful ReviewALEX KWONG
22/12/2022 at 16:00黑店! 簽完約之後即刻執笠唔退錢!黑店!
Helpful ReviewCalvin Tai
21/12/2022 at 23:21不推薦。最差工作室。 fitlab 欺騙客戶。不值得加入。
Not recommend. Worst studio. They cheated the customers with fitlab. Not worth joining. The teachers were good but the studio owed the staff months of wages
Helpful ReviewC C
21/12/2022 at 22:51黑店, 聯同fitlab呃啲客錢, 受害客戶過千. 千萬唔好喺度報堂. 一時又話結業, 轉頭出番黎, 跟住又話暫停營業. 要求退款又唔覆. 又呃啲客轉去大角咀
Helpful ReviewJeanete Blackwell
16/12/2022 at 03:00What a scam! No longer able to redeem any classes that I paid for!
Helpful ReviewAnzhelika Volynkina
14/12/2022 at 18:49Worst ever yoga studio in my life!!!
0 for assistance
0 for environment
0 for management
Constant issues with booking, account, teachers.
Helpful ReviewTrash..
Don’t Nod
07/06/2020 at 15:26Nice studio with variety of classes and good coaches, but place is small so near impossible to book a class. Can’t use up my classes before they expire.
Helpful Review